Monday, August 5, 2013

Post Card Time Again

Just a quick post before the laptop battery dies. As in dead. Kaput. Fini. (Those last two may be spelled wrong.) Still working on post cards for the CZT swap. That middle tangle is my pattern - Ceedarr. This one's a lot of fun to draw! I also used quipple - which I will never ever use again. Like . . . ever. Thank you, Taylor Swift!

The Creator's Leaf


  1. Do you have a step out for Ceedarr?

    1. Working on one, car. When I get it out together, you will see it here on the blog. I am also working on an ebook. It will be there as well :)

  2. I like how Cedarr looks like swirls of water between Zander.
    Paula (PEP)


I have been waiting to hear from you :).