Saturday, April 23, 2016

Welcome to Maine!

Last week we loaded up the U-Haul truck,
put my car on the trailer,
and headed to Maine.
Actually, two awesome guys named 
Jesse and William
loaded our truck, drove it to Maine,
and unloaded it once they got here.
We found them on the U-Haul page
and they were wonderful!
One of our best investments on this move.
And you wouldn't believe what all was
in that truck! 
Think boat and lawn ornamentations.
Hahaha! More on that in another post.
Mark and I flew up to meet the fellows at the house.
By time Jesse and William got here,
we needed to get them into Bangor -
a two hour drive -
to catch a bus back to Florida.
So it was basically dump and run.
About 2/3 of those boxes are for my studio,
and the remainder are for the kitchen.
And we got rid of over half of everything we owned
before this trip. Thankfully!
 We had purchased the welcome sign last time
we were at the house. This time we added
our family sign that Mark's sister and husband
gave us 32 years ago for our first house.
 There is no rhyme or reason with these next
few shots. I love sunsets and Maine has
some of the best! 
This little church is within about 1/4 mile
of the house.
 Shot from our back deck,
second level and a step outside of
the living room.
Spring has come to Maine.
Starting to see a few robins pecking at the lawn.
Hoping to see some deer soon,
as they realize the snows have left and
there might be food around.
Hahaha! And a camera or two.
 Another beautiful sunset.
Shot through the car windshield on
our way home from a drive.
There is so much to see here.
Think wilderness with the occasional
house or farm thrown in.
 One of the first things to get unpacked
was my store. All my stock is on the shelves.
(That banjolele is not for sale. Just trying to keep
it safe till I find its wall hanger.)
I am thinking about downsizing what I sell,
and getting more involved in the digital world -
that doesn't involve a post office that is
20 minutes away.
Or packaging, or boxes, or tape, or labels.
 We get to pass this beautiful sight
every time we ride anywhere.
The waters are swollen now with all the
snow melting.
All that water has to go somewhere.
This is a cell phone shot, taken as a truck
whizzed past right behind me.
 I think this has a normal name,
but we know it as Mud Pond.
Not sure why it's called that.
It's right down the road from the house.
Last time we were here,
this lake's surface was a solid sheet of ice.
Now only about half to two-thirds of the 
lake is frozen.
 As I close in on finishing up all those
'studio' boxes, this is something I've
long wanted to do.
Draw/tangle on a wall.
Gosh! I hope this works!
And here's a shot to put it into perspective.
This wall wraps around and encompasses
the closet my store is in.
I have a piece of art on my computer screen
that I am trying to work from.
Not copy, but use as inspiration.
Sheesh! I've never done anything like this before.
Mark said if it stinks, he can paint over it.
So I am totally going to go for it!
I'll post shots along the way.
In the meantime, back to all those boxes!
Welcome to Maine!

The Creator's Leaf


  1. Looking forward to the updates of your wall!

  2. Your scenery is beautiful, what a lovely place to live.

  3. I look forward to seeing your wall shots!

  4. Brilliant to see you getting settled in - even when you've disposed of half (or more) of what you possess there's still more to go when you start unpacking for it just won't fit. I can see your need to downsize your selling store bearing in mind where the Post Office is. That wall looks interesting.


I have been waiting to hear from you :).