Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday String Idea #16

 It has been one crazy, crazy week so far!
Trying to meet some deadlines, getting everything finished up,
so I can head to Maine on Saturday.
Day after tomorrow and I haven't even begun packing yet.
I wanted this week's string to be a little different.
Something other than the normal string.
Hahaha! Now that I look at this string,
it reminds me that it is hunting season.
So not what I had in mind.
Oh well.
(To download the string and print at the 3.5" tile size,
click here.)
And here is what I did with string #16.
I mixed up some of my own tangles and used them together.
Bow*petal, patch, and ringz.
Sadly I haven't posted any step outs to these patterns yet. 
Let me work on that.
I should be able to get in one more post before I head out of town. I'll make that be a post with step outs for one of these. Probably ringz. That's the crazy space alien looking one.
I love it. It's my favorite one to draw right now.

So, there you have string #16.
I hope you enjoy working with it.
Again, if you want to print out the string
at the 3.5" tile size, click here
Have fun!

The Creator's Leaf


  1. One day I shall start on my project Alice Strings! For the moment I ogle your blog every Thursday where I'm continually seduced by a tile. Patch looks great fun - but then I am very fond of grids. Hope you have an amazing time in Maine as well as having a rest. Who needs clothes?? - all you need to pack is your tangling equipment & that's not going to take long.
    Safe travelling.
    Paula (PEP)

    1. I was very tired when I typed this comment - on reflection I think you will need clothes or you'll be very cold in Maine.
      Paula (PEP)

  2. Actually I left clothes there last time. Suitcases are full of curtains for the house. 😜


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