Saturday, December 27, 2014

Pink and Blue Swirls

This project was begun a couple months ago.
This is the end result.
It began like this.
I used a 9" X 12" sheet of Canson watercolor paper,
plenty of water in a spray bottle,
and Dylusions Ink Sprays - 
bubblegum pink and london blue.
I love the colors I can get with the Dylusions - so much fun!
Some of those round places - like the blue one just below the center -
was made by holding a heat gun straight down
above a wet puddle of color - 
until it dried.
Here is a link to my tutorial on using Dylusions.
This is the same blob of color - tangled.
Look how I divided up the sections and drew patterns on them.
That's what I did with the whole sheet.
Wherever I felt tangling needed to happen - it did.
This section is on the right, about halfway up.
This section is towards the middle,
but for the life of me I can't tell if this photo is
turned the wrong direction or not.
Just keep tangling and pretty soon 
you will turn this . . .
. . . into this.
I promise!
If I can do it - you can, too.
All you have to do is start.
And if you don't have Dylusions - 
I started with a simple watercolor pan set
from the school supply row in Wal-Mart.
They make some pretty beautiful artwork, too!


  1. cela renouvelle mon inspiration merci

    1. vous ĂȘtes les bienvenus, merci de visiter :)

  2. Your photo is the right way up!! Now is that Ahh I see there 4th photo down? It's great fun seeing how you progress with these & section the various areas off.
    Paula (PEP)

    1. no, i've seen it listed as dandelion, or some variation of that word. there are several ways to draw it, this is the one i like. i also use it in graden scenes - sometimes drawing just the top half with a squiggly line under it as a stem :)

      glad you like the progression, i never know if people are going to like that part or not :)


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