Sunday, November 3, 2013

Here I Am to Worship

Sunday morning and I am listening to Trinity Baptist Church here at home via the  internet. Right now they are singing: I Worship You, Almighty God, there is none like you. It's a nice 66ยบ outside and the sun is shining. What a beautiful start to my day. 

May God richly bless you and your family today. May you feel His arms around you, hugging you close, loving you, being there for you. Close your eyes, rest in His care. Know that you are loved. Right now, right where you are. God is there, too. And He cares about you.
The Creator's Leaf


  1. what a beautiful picture and blessing for the day...thank you♥♥♥
    its a beautiful sunny day with temps of +2c... which is about 36f....but i think its warmer than that :)

  2. found this - thanks.
    Paula (PEP)

  3. Love this, Alice. May God bless your faithful heart. ♥

  4. Love this, Alice. May God bless your faithful heart. ♥


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