Saturday, June 15, 2013

Back Home

You may have noticed it has been awhile since my last post. That was on May 20th. On May 23rd, Kali was involved in a head-on collision 800 miles from home. She was on her way to school when a man ran a red light and hit her head-on. Mark and I left right away and drove almost straight through to get to her. We stopped around 4 AM for a short nap, then drove the rest of the way. Kali is doing much better now, pretty much back to normal, and she has a new (pre-owned) car. I was gone for three weeks, got home last night. I don't think I posted this drawing before I left. I drew it the week before when we were moving Kali in to her new apartment. For those of you who knew what was going on and were praying for Kali's recovery, and for our travel time, thank you so much! We are blessed to call you friend!

The Creator's Leaf


  1. So glad to hear that Kali is recovering. Take care both of you as things settle down again.
    Much love
    Paula (PEP)

  2. Oh my goodness what a worrying time you must have had. But it's good to hear that you're home and that your daughter is recovering.
    Amazing drawing Alice. It's so beautiful ;D
    I hope everything is settling down now and you can relax a little. I hope that Kali continues to improve too.
    Take care :D

  3. I didn't know but am so happy she is on the mend.God Bless


I have been waiting to hear from you :).