I'm still working on Day Five, this is what I have so far. Our patterns were isochor and printemps. I had never tried isochor before, it subtly reminds me of striping. Sparkles were introduced. My tile above shows the new patterns and the sparkles, and I threw in some stipple shading.
This is the real reason we were out of town. Disney's Beauty and the Beast was very good. Kali and I were a bit disappointed with the scenery/props. After being blown away by Mary Poppins a couple weeks ago, I was disappointed to see that they really didn't do much with the set other than curtains here and there. Oh well, I guess we are spoiled. We did enjoy the show itself, though. Then we went out for donuts from Krispy Kreme and then back to the hotel. That's a whole other story all in itself. We were two girls on a floor filled with construction workers. Made for an interesting night.

Do you two ever stay home? LOL! Krispy Kreme!! Yum!!