Tuesday, February 5, 2013

1ZAD - Day 3

One Zentangle a Day, so far I am getting the work done. Posting it on the same day might be an issue, though.
On day three we practiced pokeroot, festune, and hollibaugh. For our tile we were to use any of those, or any of the tangles we worked on during day the first two days. For my tile, I traced one onto the next page in my Hand Bound Journal from Dick Blick Arts. I don't always lay down the four corner dots, as you can see here. I just put down a simple string.
Then I started filling in tangles. Pokeroot has always been one of my absolute favorites! That and poke leaf. My intentions with this tile were to stick with the day three tangles, putting a little festune grouping in there somewhere . . .
. . . but I just realized looking at this sketchbook drawing - - - I forgot!
I pulled in knight's bridge and tipple from days one and two instead. This one was interesting for me. I decided to do hollibaugh not as filled as I usually do, and I liked blacking in some sections, while filling out others with tipple.  So, that was day three. I have day four almost completed, which is good since it is now February 5th. 

Kali and I are headed out the door in a few minutes. Back to the doctor's office for me, then on to Panama City to see the Broadway show Beauty and the Beast tonight. Yay!!!!! Keep calm and get your tangle on :).
The Creator's Leaf

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, girl...I love the strong graphic look of that Hollibaugh. Hollibaugh as sub-string. Very nice.


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