Sunday, September 16, 2012

Blind String 02

A couple weeks ago, Laura offered a Diva Challenge of using a blind string. Just take a pencil and a tile, close your eyes, and draw a string. No conscious thought, just draw. Well, it was so much fun that I decided to try it again. Here's my string above.
And here is my completed tile. I started with that crescent moon in the middle and the tile just kind of took on a life of its own. I don't think I tried any new patterns, just familiar ones.

Now, time to work with Genevieve's mandala templates! Yay!!!

The Creator's Leaf


  1. What fun! I've just started with this sort of doodling art and I'm very much enjoying it.

    1. thanks, teri! i'm glad you stopped by - this is a lot of fun for sure!

  2. Whatever that is in the top left-hand corner: I love it! The Blind string challenge was really fun. It's definitely something you can do over and over again, and enjoy each time.

    1. the top left is strircles with some fescu dangling down from it. i think they are both on linda farmer's page haha! she has everything there!

  3. Very cool! awesome! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)


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