Sunday, March 18, 2018

A Little Steampunk

steampunk air ship by Alice hendon
I just have to post this steamship somewhere -
in all its glorious steampunkiness!
A couple friends and I were working hard on
a tangle book about steampunk
and somewhere along the line all our
hard work just got lost and pushed aside.
steampunk tangle art by Alice hendon
 I thought I'd pull a few of my pieces of art out
and share them today!
My steamship in the first photo should be
featured in 
Just Steampunk Magazine's next issue.
steampunk tangle art by Alice hendon
 The three of us had developed a load of
steampunk tangle patterns and were making
pieces of art showcasing those patterns.
steampunk tangle art by Alice hendon on scrapbook paper
 I finally published a bunch of those tangle patterns
in my Tangle Starts Planner.
Actually, I included a total of 106 tangle patterns
in that book.
My friends Sandra Strait and Christine Reyes
both had sections of their own patterns in the
planner as well.
Actually, while I'm talking about it -
the planner is set up to start at any time during the year.
You set the monthly, weekly, daily pages up
the way you want them to be.
Then there are all these new patterns,
places to store thumbnails of your favorite patterns,
lots of extra pages for collections, notes, and
places to tangle.
If any of this sounds interesting to you,
you can read about - and see some of the inside pages -
you can order your own copy on Amazon - 
steampunk tangle art by Alice hendon on yupo paper
 OK, commercial over.
I really love this piece above.
I made it with alcohol inks on Yupo Paper.
So much fun!
steampunk tangle art by Alice hendon
 I used this for an Art on a Shoe String post.
Cheap Walmart school row watercolor can
give you some beautiful color!
steampunk tangle art by Alice hendon
steampunk tangle art by Alice hendon
steampunk dragon with tummy gemstone by Alice Hendon
 I am really proud of these last two.
Bramhall is the dragon above.
Bramhall got a full page in the August, 2017,
issue of Just Steampunk Magazine.
steampunk dragon with tummy gemstone by Alice Hendon
Not long after Bramhall, I got a request from a young
asking if I would draw a dragon for his
new bedroom.
So I flipped Bramhall, added a few flowing details,
and some color and shipped him off to Connor.
Connor appropriately named him Frost
and Frost is proudly hanging in Connor's
new bedroom.
Frost got a full page feature in the
February, 2018, issue of
Just Steampunk Magazine.

I hope you enjoyed my steampunk rambling here.
There were so many other pieces made for the
book that never happened. 
I will show you more in a post soon. 

Interested in tangling up a bunch of steampunk?
Here is a link to two of my Pinterest boards 
dedicated to steampunk art and
tangle patterns. Just click here and here

I would love to see what you do.
Steampunk is fun and so flexible and forgiving.
You just can't go wrong. 


  1. Your steampunk art is amazing! I wish that book had come to pass - I've still got quite a bit of artwork that I did for it.

    1. Maybe one day you and I will make that book happen. You should recognize some of the patterns in these pieces. ❤️

  2. What a feast of a post - congratulations on your Steampunk Magazine illustrations. I can see you've had enormous fun with these & your hallmark tangling & colours are a joy in this context. It would be quite something with you & Sandra compiling a book - what a s-team-punk team!

    1. We would make a great book 😊 maybe one day. Now that I know how


I have been waiting to hear from you :).