Sunday, November 1, 2015

Playing With Flowers

Working with flowers again.
There are so many ways to tangle flowers.
I think my favorites here are the ones with curlz
and the ones with mooka.
What about you? 
Which flower tangles do you like to use?

(And I just realized I've never posted the steps for curlz. I need to fix that soon. In the meantime, here are steps for you to get started.)

The Creator's Leaf


  1. Flora, florez, shasta, buttercup are my favorites.

  2. I love your floral pattern. Buttercup, too.

  3. Favorites of mine are Blooming Butter and Henna Drum. Use flora a lot now to.

  4. woah, I LOVE curlz! beautiful floral Zia. xo


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