Sunday, September 13, 2015

Wiggle Worms

 I must apologize for my lack of consistent blogging.
I am currently working on a special project
that I hope to be able to tell you about in a couple weeks.
It will be worth the wait,
I guarantee it!

What you see here is a new tangle I've been working on.
It's called ringz. 
Reminds me of when my dad used to call me a wiggle worm!
I hope to post the step outs here before long.
Ringz is super simple to draw.
For color here I used my relatively new
LolliZ Gell Pens.
Super cool pens. Lots of glitz and sparkle,
and smooth and metallic. 
Anything you could wish for in a gell pen.
Tangled up on my wonderful Stonehenge paper!

Have a great week. Hopefully I will be back soon.

The Creator's Leaf


  1. No apology needed whatsoever - I'm just catching up with your posts! Other things have to go on don't they? Looks like you had some nice down time with colouring your Ringz - love how it starts with what reminds me of either an eye or a marble, think I prefer the idea of a marble (you know the old fashioned glass kind that used to exist in the 1960s, maybe they still do exist?)
    Paula (PEP)

  2. I bought these pens too after your narwal wreath post. Inexpensive anbo so smooth. Coincidentally, I was also playing with them last night. LOVE RINGZ. So playful

  3. I bought these pens too after your narwal wreath post. Inexpensive anbo so smooth. Coincidentally, I was also playing with them last night. LOVE RINGZ. So playful


I have been waiting to hear from you :).