Saturday, November 15, 2014

Swimming with Mermaids

You may recall that I am taking an online class called Mermaid Circus. It's been awhile since I worked on it. I had some great ideas, now I just need to get back to it. Trying to work up some excitement again by drawing mermaid tails. I'm thinking some small jewels on a couple of those scales. Hmmmm.
This is part of the first project I posted - collage a mermaid. I was going for a theme to carry throughout the book - what do you think? Can you tell what the theme is from these photos? Let me know in the comment section. :)
Time to get back to work. Time to make more mermaid art! 

You can see the original post about my collage mermaid here


  1. Very interesting. I love the way you tangled on the hair. I also really like the tile.


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