Friday, June 27, 2014

Irresistible Texture Spray - Product Review

I've been wanting to work on canvas for quite awhile now. While I was in Ontario, Cindy took me to a local store where I found some small canvases I brought home with me. This is one that I completed after I got home. 
This was the first project I did with this new texture spray. Irresistible colored texture spray. I have to tell you that I am not a fan. Out of the four bottles I had, only the bottle of blue sprayed. I had to transfer the other three bottles worth of ink into some empty spray bottles I had here. Plus, I could not get two of the colors to mix well. The colors stayed kind of watered down and separated looking. But, this is what I used.
I was finally able to get some colors down, and sprinkled salt over the top. 
Next came the saran wrap. Plastic wrap. 
Patted down to the canvas and left to sit for 24 hours.
When I came back the next day, the salt had 'melted' but the colors were still wet. So I left the wrap off and let it sit for about a week. Seriously.
And this is what I ended up with. I was pleased with how it turned out, but it was a monumental pain to do. Nothing went smoothly and those irresistible inks were totally resistable! Actually, I did try them one other time and they worked even less stellar than they did this time. Thus, they have been tossed into the circular file that sits near my desk. Dump-A-rooed big time! Resist the irresistible! 


  1. I just hate when those damn sprayers don't spray. Same thing happened with my color blooms. 2 out of 4 didn't spray. I haven't tried canvas at all ever, but when I do the plastic wrap (on paper) I usually pick the plastic wrap up as soon as I see the design has taken shape. I "whip" it off, fast, like a bandaid? Then everything dries so much fast. I do really like the completed project! Maybe I will get brave enough to try a canvas. Are you going to tangle on it?

    1. Actually I have it in my etsy store to try and sell it :) I could tangle on it, though. The 'wet' on this never totally dried, I finally had to boot what remained off. I tried the irresistible sine other time and that wasn't successful at all.

    2. This is so awesome have to try THESE sprays will visit your store email me your link!! <3 you rock Alice LOVE!!!

  2. Wow, such a shame that you had to throw them out, but the canvas did turn out very pretty. Thanks for the review. I'll make sure to "resist" them, if I see them. Linda E.

    1. I am very impatient, maybe a more patient person could handle them. Are you patient ? :)


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