Friday, November 9, 2012

Diva #94, SOCC

This week's Diva Challenge from Laura was to use Erin Olson's tangle SOCC. I had never been able to get this pattern to look right before, so I took my time. Painfully slow, but I love the results - so it was worth it!
To begin with I drew a grid. I intentionally made the width of the lines varied, so my finished product would look more random. With the second set of grid lines, leave some areas open - not extending the lines all the way across. This will give some variance to the shapes made by the SOCC.
Keep filling in lines.
Don't worry about filling in all the sections. Having some larger sections and some smaller sections will give your finished tile an interesting look.
When you think you're done, go back and see if there are some areas that you still want to do something with. I went back and added more lines to section off more smaller areas.
Then I picked a line - one of my central lines - to start making my crescent shapes. In Erin's directions she recommends starting with three crescents. I went with two.
At this point I thought of something else I could do with this tangle. I randomly picked out blocks to fill in with color . . .
. . . and went back to drawing the crescent lines on all four sides of the blocks.
Continue filling in crescent lines until your blocks are mostly filled up. You can fill in the small leftover areas with color. By combining the crescent lines, with color fills, and the filled in boxes - you start to get a really cool look!
Finish it off with some shading and there you go! One awesome tile of SOCC courtesy of Erin Olson and Laura Harms. Head on over to the Diva Challenge to see how everyone interpreted this fun tangle! You could even post a tile of your own.
The Creator's Leaf


  1. Great job, I really enjoyed your process and your "take" on Socc. Knocking out the squares and adding auras gives a wonderful feel.

    1. this was the first time this pattern has 'worked' for me - so thanks for enjoying it :)

  2. I love this and I love your step by step. I did two tiles and am not crazy about either. Not getting the nice full puffiness out of it. But I see how you emphasized the points and connections and I didn't fill in the background on the second either...Maybe need more practice! Yours is great though!

    1. dawn - it took me awhile to get this far. it's a really hard pattern for me.

  3. Beatiful Alice! Also very nice to fee the step-by-step making of your Socc.

    1. thanks :) i like showing the steps, i know i always appreciate them when someone else does it

  4. Nice monotangle. Illustrates what can do with Socc. Like the shading.

    1. thanks, donald, the hard part was trying to figure out exactly what to shade. the lines go in so many different directions - it was a challenge

  5. Brilliantly effective & I love following your explanations of things. I had to smile when you added two crescents instead of 3 - I tried 1 (too little) & settled on 2 at a time too.
    Paula (PEP)

    1. haha! paula, i've always tried it with 3 before and they just never turned out. maybe this is what made the difference for me.

  6. Amazing how many patterns you see if you really look at this intently. Well done! and I always appreciate tutorials.

  7. i don't know why i thought about doing the black parts, but i like how it turned out

  8. THANK YOU! I really needed those step-outs. I kept seeing people doing SOCC so wonderfully and couldn't tell how they did it:) Yours is fabulous! Especially the black boxes; they add such a great touch :)

  9. Wow! Alice, this is great! I love your take on Socc - love the contrast! tfs :)

  10. Alice, I love your tile with your design I learned to do SOCC! Is simple and beautiful.

  11. I can tell you had fun with this one. The step by step was great to see!

  12. Unique and lovely! I'll be trying this technique shortly feels very relaxing !

  13. Fabulous, great to see/hear your process. I love the way it turned out, and now I want to try your process since I didn't get around to doing this week's challenge....


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