Monday, June 19, 2017

Getting Sketchy - June Continues

 One of the things I like best about my Facebook group
Zentangle All Around
is the way we share our practice work each week.
I call this . . . 
Getting Sketchy!
It's a time for us to show what we worked on
in our sketchbooks or journals that week. 
 Not looking for perfection,
not even completion.
Getting sketchy does a couple things:
* it shows that no one is perfect,
* it forces us out of our comfort zone - big time,
* it requires us to 'practice' and learn,
* it allows us to encourage each other,
* it allows us to learn from other people's work,
* as a result we each learn, we each stretch ourselves, 
we each learn valuable skills.
 I like to try the new tangles I found online that week.
I don't always like them and I won't always use them,
but I do have a record now and I can find them
again if the desire hits.
 Someone commented recently that my
Getting Sketchy posts looked perfect.
I'm here to tell you that isn't always the case.
Case in point.
I thought the steps to drawing Baymax were super simple.
Until I actually tried them. 
The shape of that head took me for-stinking-ever!
 Baby Groot was a little easier. 
And I like him better anyway. 
I did manage to get the two of them together
without them looking awful.

Getting Sketchy!
It's where it's at!
Are you ready to stretch and learn?
Come join us on Facebook in the group
Zentangle All Around!


  1. I love these Getting Sketchy posts - so freeing & just exploring what is possible without quite knowing where it's going all the time. Baymax & Groot turned out well in the really is all about practising. I think that teardrop border at the top is wonderful & your summarising of the benefits of Getting Sketchy posts is spot on.

    1. thanks, Evelyn, I always enjoy your comments and observations. you usually give me way more credit than I deserve. :) I think getting sketchy is quickly becoming one of my favorites, too


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