Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Old Rugged Cross

Ever wondered what a tangled stack is?
Here is the definition once again:

rows of tangles that go in the same direction and touch. They may be vertical, diagonal, horizontal, circular, or semi-circular as long as they touch. There may be words in between the tangles.
For this piece, I cut this page out of an old Broadman Hymnal that my grandmother gave me when I was around twelve years old.
A really long time ago.
The Old Rugged Cross is a song that has meant a lot to me over the years.
It is also one of the songs we used at my father's funeral.
I began by tangling the stacks,
making them touch as per the description,
and leaving words in between.
I went through and boxed the phrases in micron,
then highlighted them with pan pastels.
Deciding which phrases to use - keeping a consistent thought running - 
was really the hard part for this page. 
The rest was fun and games.
Super easy to do and I really like the way it turned out.


  1. What a super idea - I always learn something when I visit you! I particularly like the way you've boxed certain words in & used colour for the sunrise with the cross & the red with 'blood.' Such a visual representation of what Christianity embodies.
    Paula (PEP)

    1. this particular page was a work of love. thanks, paula, i am so glad you are inspired and that you continue to enjoy my blog. i'll be happy when you are able to start posting on yours again full-time :) and thank you - i agree that this visual representation sums up my faith. sums up my salvation.

  2. I just loooooove this idea!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing! Amazing!

    1. you're welcome! i hope that this may inspire you to make a page of your own :)


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