Saturday, November 1, 2014

Betweed, Diva Challenge #191

This week's Diva Challenge was to make a monotangle using the pattern betweed
This is a tangle I use in small areas,
not one I normally do as a monotangle.
Here is what I did:
I used a standard 3 1/2" square official zentangle tile.
This wonky oval in pencil became my string.
Using a micron, I began my betweed with some
overlapping, arcing lines creating six sections.
Then I took one section at a time
and drew the alternating lines that make it
betweed, ending each line with a 
little fescu.
I kept adding one section at a time . . .
. . . until I had each section tangled with betweed.
Typically in zentangle® we don't use erasers.
The lines are supposed to blend into the drawing.
I elected to ignore that directive and I erased the outside line - my string.
To make this piece of art have a more finished look,
I added more fescu into the outer edges of some of the sections.
Shading with a pencil provided dimension.

To check out all the offerings of betweed
head on over to Laura's page here.
There is still time for you to try a little betweed of your own. 

The Creator's Leaf


  1. This is a lovely rendition of betweed - I love how you have ended each stroke with the fescu like end -- beautiful

    1. thank you, kia, i've always had a problem getting the ends of the lines to look right, so i thought i'd try this. i like it with the fescu and may stick to drawing it that way in the future :)

  2. I like the Fescu or heavier weighting on the ends and also just having them coming of one side. Gives almost a leaf like appearance.

    1. thanks, donald, i've never gotten the hang of drawing the lines from the bottom. i need to work on that. hahaha!

  3. Thanks for sharing the steps, Alice. The end result is gorgeous.

    1. thank you, anne, i try to show the steps whenever i can - when i remember to take pictures with my phone. this was a fun one!

  4. A great combination! I love how one morphs into the other. Well done!

  5. Such a different, and delightful look using Fescu with your Betweed. It was nice that you showed your process too.

    1. thank you, jean, the idea of fescu just came to me as i drew. i've never been able to get those little ends of the lines to look right. and i like showing the steps. i have a lot of new tanglers that follow my blog, my instagram, and pinterest boards - and they like the steps also. we are all just learning from each other anyway :)

  6. I really like the fescu endings.... and the way that it becomes more like a leaf. Fun to see the steps too.


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