Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Zendala Dare #22

The Bright Owl
I am five weeks behind on the Zendala Dare. Life just got away with me, now I'm trying to play catch-up! So far behind that I forgot that the Zendala Dare this week was to take the mandala pattern above and turn it in to a Monodala - one pattern with variations. I totally forgot the whole "mono" part of the instructions. I sat up late last night and into the morning drawing, hoping to catch-up a couple things. And this dare was one of them.
This is what I drew. I had a great time with it, trying to figure out all the little shapes and angles. I sat down a little while ago to post this and when I went to Erin's page to grab her button I saw that word "Monodala" and thought, oh, yeah, whoa! So, I will try to draw one of those tonight - because I do want to give it a go -  but I'm posting this anyway. And in the meantime, I'm probably one more week behind somewhere else. Life!

To look at the "correct" monodalas, visit Erin's page here. Why don't you join in the fun?

The Creator's Leaf


  1. Monodala or not, this is beautiful, Alice!

  2. Lovely! I like the playful border and also the 'eyes' looking at you in the center.

  3. It's very pretty! I love the contrast between the structured and the loose parts. :)

    1. thanks, rita, this one was fun - until i remembered the whole 'monodala' part

  4. We need to ask God to extend the minutes into hours definitely - I have spent days trying to make an Alphatag & it just does not gel - have given up on challenges until after my tangling course........ & I don't even work but am retired!! So this made me smile........
    Have a brilliant day.
    Paula (PEP)

    1. who are you taking your tangling course with? and, yes,not enough time in the days. i am retired also, but i don't think it makes much difference, there's always something else to get done.

  5. PS - love your Mandala - I've yet to attempt one of these.......one day.

  6. Love this- it's so much fun to explore! I look forward to seeing what you come up with for the monodala too! :)

  7. Stunning! and you "broke free" as well! Nicely done!

  8. It is very beautiful! Love all the fun ways this zendala went!

    1. thank you, leeanne, i really love the zendalas - they are so much fun to draw!


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