Tuesday, September 18, 2012

String 018 Challenge

This week's string came from Sandy Hunter, an amazing CZT. I liked this string as soon as I saw it. Lots of possibilities and flowy lines here. (My spellchecker doesn't like that word 'flowy' :).
The lines just reminded me of gardens and fairies - so adding Tinkerbell was a must! I turned the flowy lines into vines and flowers, it just needed a little pixie dust to make it perfect.
Tink, pixie dust, a little glittery tile magic and it's all ready to hang in my little fairy garden. String 018 - brought to you by the magic of pixie dust. (And by Tangle Patterns.)
The Creator's Leaf


  1. "flowy" definitely should be a word - love all your "flowies"!

    1. :D
      yes, it should be a word :)
      thanks for stopping by!

  2. so lovely. You have such a delicate graceful touch.

  3. oh, I just love how you transformed string 018. I really enjoyed this string also, but I really like how you used the lines to direct the flow of your tangles but didn't remain confined by them.

  4. What fun! I love that it was brought to us by pixie dust!


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