Monday, August 27, 2012

Betweed the Jellies

What a fun drawing! I have admired this style of drawing when someone like Michele Beauchamp does it. So I was seriously happy when Maria and Rick showed us some flow-y lines like this at CZT class! I thought - hey, I might could do this! My main problem - most of the time - is I go too fast and don't take my time with my lines. I need to be 'deliberate' when I draw. 

Flying home from Rhode Island, I had a three hour layover in Baltimore. I drew this sitting in their food court area while I waited. There was a table of businessmen sitting next to me and they kept watching what I was doing. No conversation there - I know not to talk with strangers :) - but they seemed to enjoy watching it come together. I did, too! So happy with how this turned out. Reminds me of some photos I took at an aquarium of jellyfish :). Thanks, Rick and Maria!

The Creator's Leaf


  1. I love the comparison with the jellyfish & that last photo is amazing. I've not tried Betweed before so looks like that's on my list to try. amazing to think those businessmen were watching you..... could be interesting seeing how the public react when we tanglers go atangling.
    Paula (PEP)

    1. paula - betweed is fun. in all the step by steps they show it with straight lines, it's much more fun when you curve out the lines. you should give it a try :)

  2. They really are similar! I love the image of you drawing away and businessmen sneaking peeks--LOL! :)

    1. it was funny, i could tell they wanted to ask me questions, but i didn't need to get involved with a table full of men - hahaha!

  3. I started really liking Betweed more when I realized my lines didn't have to be straight.

    1. i know, right? i used betweed a lot before, but it never looked like this!

  4. oh wow... beautiful photo by you ;)you are very talented!!!!!!!!

    1. thank you, fifi, that's what i've been doing the past couple years - lots and lots of photography :)


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