Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Off to a Great Start!

I started this blog roughly two weeks ago. I've had a photography blog the past 3-4 years, and I enjoy keeping that one up, but I've really been feeling the desire to get emersed in art. 

Do I know anything about art? Not really. I got pulled into art journaling - thanks to Pinterest! I stumbled over someone's board featuring art journals and I was hooked. The more I looked, the more convinced I became that I needed to get involved. When I learn something new - I research it to death, then get all the tools necessary, and jump into it 150%. Nothing new here.

 I zeroed in on zentangle. That seems to be the style I'm most drawn to. Let me tell you my pinterest boards are covered with artwork from you guys! I try to give credit every time, not always possible, but I try.

So. To get a handle on all that I am learning, I started this blog, as I said - roughly two weeks ago. I didn't know if anyone would even look at it - other than me. Let me tell you how surprised - and thrilled - I am! When I looked - just before writing this post - we were at 1,109 hits already! Wow! I am thrilled! Thank you so much!


  1. Two weeks ago? Really? It feels like I've been following your blog for months and months. You are making a very quick progress. I can't even imagine where you'll be in a year or more. Congrats on your two-week-aversary. I am looking forward to seeing more of your art in the future.

    1. haha! thanks, bilja! i appreciate you so much! your comments are very helpful to me as i am learning. this art is all new to me - and it's a lot of fun! thanks for following my blog :)

  2. Welcome at Blogger! :)
    You have a new follower. ^^


I have been waiting to hear from you :).