
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Still Snowing???

our log home in a snow storm
 It has been a heck of a week in Maine.
Well, all up and down the east side of the country really. 
In the space of six hours we got right at two feet of snow.
It was snowing so hard it was difficult to plow and stay ahead of it. 
Then, just because it could, it snowed more yesterday. 
lots of snow and our dragon mailbox
 On top of that our snow plow quit working.
The blade stopped going up and down which means
it is impossible to plow.
So we got deeper and deeper in the white fluffy stuff.
Our neighbor came and helped us - plowed us right out -
and told Mark what was wrong with the plow.
dragons in the snow
 $160.00 later we have a working plow again.
So Mark went today and plowed the neighbor's drive.
This particular photo was taken to show Larry - 
the man who made my big dragons - that they are getting buried. 
You can just see their heads peeking out behind the Storybrooke sign.
our beautiful log cabin in Maine
 Unbelievably it snowed a little more today.
But the sun came out and it warmed up to the low 30's, so some of the snow finally came off the roof. 
Tangle Starts Planner winter page
And of course I had to document the snow in my
Tangle Starts Planner.
Hahahahaha! I am loving this book!
If you are interested at all, here is a link.

Stay safe, stay warm, stay inside and drink coffee.


  1. Looks much too cold for me - I've had trouble here recently & it's not even cold enough for snow, but cold enough for me to go blue! Tend to wear at least 4 layers & fingerless gloves in the shop at work or I can't operate the till! Hope the dragons survive without any damage & glad you've got good neighbours. Seems to me the snow plow (plough for the English) is an essential piece of equipment. Take care of yourselves.

    1. We had a couple days rain and warmer temperatures so about half of our snow is gone. Everything is covered in ice now. Really slippery and dangerous.


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