
Saturday, May 27, 2017

Getting Sketchy Saturday

 I always laugh when I type "Getting Sketchy."
As an ex-police officer, getting sketchy has a whole
different meaning than the way I use it here.
 I admin a group on Facebook called
Zentangle All Around.
We focus on three different prompts each week.
On Saturdays we post photos of what we worked
on in our sketchbooks that week.
Hence the name . . . Getting Sketchy!
(And actually my law enforcement background
played heavily into coming up with that name.)
 We post photos of what we worked on that week.
Completed or not. 
Perfect or not.
We learn from each others' trials and errors.
We learn together. 
 I actually accomplished a fair amount this
week because Mark was out of town.
This ropuz pattern is a keeper.
Not so much the sinchun one,
although I will keep working on it.
 This starfish-too is a definite yes also!
The steps for it are in the first photo in this post.
I like the way it triangulates.
And you can triangulate it in any of those
6 directions that you want.
That iriemon looks pretty awesome, especially 
when you do several. 
That bottom square has a total of 4 iriemons.
 I am really excited about that Anooka pattern.
The designer - Smita Toke - is a member of
Zentangle All Around.
We have so much talent in the group!
 I really like this lower left round tangle.
I am not certain the name is athitzi,
but I think it is.
All the writing was in another language and it
was a little hard to decipher what was what.
My favorite for the week was 
Starfish Flower
by Nicole Dreyer. 
Not shaded yet because I want to add some
more tangles to it,
then shade everything at the end.

Want to learn some new tangles,
some new techniques,
make some new tangle friends?
Come visit us at 
Zentangle All Around.
Knock on the door and I'll let you in!


  1. Delectable - definitely the Starfish Flower for me too, closely followed by Iriemon but Noom catches up very very quickly............


I have been waiting to hear from you :).