
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

More Spirography

 A couple posts back I showed you some art 
that I am calling
Easy in concept.
Not so easy to pull off as your little spirograph
wheels slip and slide all over the place.
 I finally got up the nerve to try it again.
Not even kidding!
I am pretty happy with the two pieces above.
I will probably go back later and add more to each.
At this point I was afraid of messing them up.
 So. How does one do spirography?
I should have taken an earlier photo,
but this is when I remembered.

I used a new pen called a Pilot Precise V5 -
basically a cross between a gel pen and a micron - 
and traced a couple disks from my spirograph set,
then started adding some loops.
I basically decided if I was holding off for perfection,
I would never be able to complete one.
 One way to fix some of those messed up ends
is to add some thickening of the lines on
those points.
See that turquoise speck sticking out in space
on the left hand side?
 I covered it up with a purple line 
that I had to decide what to do with.
 So I added those lines to every section
and aura-ed them.
That means to add another line that mimics it.
Then I filled in those sections with purple.
I went around all the edges and blended in the little
lines that stuck out here and there.
And called it done.
Not hard to do with a little imagination
and some determination.

It's the art term of the week here at
The Creator's Leaf! 

1 comment:

  1. Aaaah - there are no mistakes, only opportunities for creativity: as you so aptly demonstrate above.


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