
Thursday, April 27, 2017

A Little Zingo

Since my mom passed away two months ago,
I have had a really hard time getting motivated to art.
Drawing/tangling is like pulling teeth.
Making color is a little easier right now.
I can always make color,
tangling isn't easy.
Zentangle® HQ recently blogged and videoed
their granddaughters Indy and Mazzy
tangling Zingo. 
You can see my rendition of zingo in the
tile just above this. 
To watch the 7 and 5 year olds make their
very own video, click this link.
And turn the volume up.
Their commentary will leave you smiling.

I probably should have left things alone at this point,
but I wanted to push myself and try to draw.
So I added some Printemps and some fiore.
Two of my no brainer tangles.
I don't know if it helped or hurt,
but at least I did something. 
Here's hoping this motivation down time
comes to an end soon. 


  1. Absolutely beautiful piece...and thank you for sharing your life with us. You remain one of my favorite tanglers, Alice Hendon. God be with you.

    1. thank you so much! it's comments like yours that keeps me posting <3

  2. Alice, you are understandably greaving for your mom. My thoughts are with you. One way I have found to be motivated to work on my art when I am in a slump is to take a class. I hope this helps.

    1. I have several I haven't completed. maybe now is the time :) thank you!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful life in Maine and elsewhere. Be patient with yourself cause you have been through a lot in the last year. And, I know for a fact that our love of hobbies, family and strong Faith is what gets us through the tough times. Wonderful Zingo and yes, their comments was so cute and quite grown up.Thanks again, I look forward to your posts from Maine.

    1. thank you, patsy, I am trying. it's hard not to get discouraged. thank you for your sweet comments. and - if you look at today's post you will get to see an awesome moose!

  4. I reckon your Fiore & Printemps complement the Zingos superbly. Your use of colour against the monochrome background works superbly & your Printemps always make me smile - the echo Zingo's centre swirls nicely. Maybe your body needs to rest for the moment, you were really functioning on adrenalin sorting your Mum's funeral etc..... out & so soon after surgery. Anaesthetic can really make you feel down & listless too. Take care of yourself.


I have been waiting to hear from you :).