
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Still Working on This

My blogging has been erratic lately and 
I should explain why.
l went to the ophthalmologist back in July.
I was told then that I had cataracts starting
and to come back if I noticed a change
in vision. 

I was fine for a while.
Then I starting noticing that I was having
trouble drawing.
I bought different reading glasses,
thinking that would help.
It did not.

I started having trouble driving at night.
Approaching car headlights made huge
halos of light.
Sometimes the halos covered both lanes
of traffic. 
I was in Denver a couple weeks ago
and needed to drive at night.
There are literally thousands of lights in downtown Denver.
Add to that all the headlights and taillights 
of hundreds of cars.
Everything was one massive halo.
I had to park the car and get someone else 
to get me home. 

As soon as I got back to Maine I went to the doctor
and told him about the changes in my vision.
They did what is called a glare test
and determined that my cataracts were severely
worse and that I needed to have them
removed as soon as possible.

In Maine "as soon as possible" means January.
In the meantime my drawing/tangling
is significantly decreased.
That would be why you are seeing more
"color" posts from me.

My left eye is 20/70,
my right is 20/40.
I have a pair of distance glasses that correct
 my vision to 20/20
but they are only for distance.
So I can drive in the daylight. 
And I'm at the point where I'm not real
comfortable with that now either.

So please be patient while I wait to get
my eyes fixed and I can get back to tangling.

This photo above is actually a small block 
of a larger piece I've been working on off and on
for the past year. I love the colors.
I am using an 005 micron to make tiny
delicate lines. Can't do too much of that right now,
so it is on my To-Do list for when I can see again.

What are you working on?
Is it inspired by the season?
The holidays?
I'd love to know!


  1. Good luck. I had double cataract surgery a couple of years ago and had vision implants. Amazing difference!

  2. Alice, so sorry to hear about your eyesight but, glad you will be having surgery, it will make such a big difference. My husband had his done and he now only needs reading glasses! Sad because I fell in love with him and his glasses(sad isn't it, have always liked men with glasses). Oh well he is still handsome and my husband :). Take care, and get well cause you are worth the wait. PS....I truly miss your emails but that is Ok as I am sure many feel the same way as I do...just get well and I 'look' forward to your many posts with your NEW EYESIGHT. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Patsy in Texas

    1. thank you so much, patsy, God is still in control and hopefully this will pass quickly. first surgery is now scheduled for January 5th thanks to a cancellation by someone.

  3. Take care of yourself whilst you're waiting. Glad you didn't end having an accident & managed to get somebody to take you home when you realised. Scary that. You're very much in my thoughts - not much chance for artwork at present but continue to be inspired by seeing your tangles & manage to pick up a pencil & sneak 5 mins here & there............

    1. it's been rough not being able to be in control driving, having to depend on someone else. surgery got bumped up to January 5th for the first eye. someone cancelled and I called the office at the right time ;)

  4. Hope you heal well and as good as new. I absolutely love your inspiring art and look forward to every post. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    1. well thank you for that, Diane, I am glad you are enjoying my posts. I promise to make them more often once I've got my eyes back to normal


I have been waiting to hear from you :).