
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Relaxing With Narwal

We are finally all settled in and my office/studio
is looking pretty good.
And workable.
Now if I can just keep it clean.
As if. Hahahahahaha!

I've spent the past few days in Bar Harbor, Maine,
working on some art but mostly relaxing.
And eating.
Photos will come soon.

This is a piece I started some time ago,
but saved the shading.
I dislike shading intensely
but it makes such a difference in your 
finished work.
Perservere and do it.
It really is worth the effort.
(And I love drawing narwal, so that
was an added bonus.)

That background wall is my tangle called blox.
Here is a link to the steps.
Hoping to be a bit more regular with posting
now that we are all unpacked.
Thank you for being so patient.
You're the best!

The Creator's Leaf


  1. We definitely have a dislike of shading in common!! I love seeing your Blox, it's such an effective tangle & one that always makes me think of you, doesn't it look fabulous with Narwal in front, Printemps makes me think of little bits of weed/lichen on the brickwork of Blox & then with the Flux tendrils of leaves the garden scene continues - maybe Narwal is a shell of some kind. Aha, I've got it, it's a shell clinging to the brickwork of a harbour wall with Flux & Printemps being bits of seaweed debris!

    1. haha! i love how your brain works. thank you for always being so faithful to comment on my work. i appreciate you so much!

  2. Beautiful. Glad you are settled in your new home. Looking forward to your posts.

    1. thank you, beth, it's great to see you here :)

  3. You are so talented! Beautifully blended Narwal, Printemps and Flux. Ah, to be this good one day. But I'm working at it! Progress, not perfection! I'm looking forward to your future posts about your new home...and your excellent work and tangle patterns.

    1. thank you so much! and you are right - progress is what matters. i've been tangling for close to 4 years. i try to do something everyday even if it's just something small. just to keep my hand in. have fun on your journey


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