
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Packing v. Tangling

Packing v. tangling.
Tangling v. packing.
Well, the real decision was made because
all my art supplies are already packed away!
This beautiful piece (can you tell I like it?)
was already made and saved on my desktop.
The background colors come from 
- what else??? - 
Dylusions Ink Sprays.
The outer border is a new tangle of
Ina Sonnenmoser's.
It is called brugges - doesn't it look like old lace?
Here is the step out for it. 
You can see more of Ina's tangles here
on her blog
She is building a depository for tangles.
You might want to bookmark it!

And . . . I will go back to packing boxes.

The Creator's Leaf


  1. Striking frame with Brugges, especially with the way you've added orange to the radial strips in the semicircles. Packing boxes & then unpacking them takes an awfully long time.............. you'll be doing them in your sleep soon. You might just have to go & buy yourself a sketch pad & Sharpie so you can tangle if you get delayed anywhere on the journey. Keep safe.

    1. haha! i've already unpacked one box to get to a sketchbook. this is going to be crazy!


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