
Saturday, January 23, 2016

String 23 - Zentangle All Around

 Some of you may not know that I host a Facebook Zentangle group called
Zentangle All Around.
I recently started a year long challenge in the group.
I provide strings - a week at a  time - and the challenge is to tangle a string for every day of the year.
At the end of 2016 each participant will have 366 pieces of artwork that they created themselves.
A treasure trove and beauty, of learning, of advancement and progress.
This is today's string.
As a prompt this morning I challenged each member to tangle today's string using at least one tangle they had never tried before.
Here is what I tangled up.
I actually tried three tangles I hadn't drawn before.
From upper left to lower right you have:
OO Africa (new,) flying geese, gryst (new,) and fracas (new.)
I enjoyed trying some new linework, 
I think I'll be using that gryst a lot in my circular art.
I love to do circles!

If you are interested in expanding your tangle abilities, 
or if you are just looking for a way to stay busy, 
head on over to Facebook and search for
Zentangle All Around.
Send me a join request and I'll accept you right in.
There is still time to get involved.

The Creator's Leaf


  1. Gryst is definitely an 'Alice' tangle! I love the way you used Flying Geese & it's echoed in Fracas. Fascinating to see. I'm still trying to see if I can get a hang of a digital app for tangling these strings - as you say it will be interesting to see the difference between the first tile & the final one. Masterful idea of yours this.
    Paula (PEP)

    1. thanks, paula, it seems group members are embracing the string idea. it is really hard to keep up, though. haha! i'm still about 2 weeks behind


I have been waiting to hear from you :).