
Monday, July 23, 2018

Watercolor Wonder With the Fabulous Robin Mead #watercolorworkshop #robinmead #watercolorwonder

Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 Warning, Will Robinson!
This is going to be a photo heavy-duty post!
You have been warned.
For several months now, I had been patiently
(mostly) waiting to fly to Georgia to attend
the Watercolor Wonder workshop taught by one of
my art mentors - Robin Mead.
So super excited it was finally time!
AND I got to meet Christine Reyes face-to-face.
That is Christine in the photo up above.
Christine is the awesome lady that helps me when
I run into a stone wall with my book series.
She know everything about programs and 
how to make them work. 
Christine also helps me with my Facebook group
Zentangle All Around.
It was awesome finally meeting her in person!
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 Here is Robin at the start of day one.
I knew from talking with Robin online that she
was going to be an awesome instructor.
So much fun and she is bubbly and delightful
and really helped us step out of our zones
and learn some new techniques.
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 We started with a couple warm up exercises.
This was one of them.
She had so much color product for us to play
with - sometimes it was hard to decide
which way to go. 
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead - Robin at work
 And Robin did the projects with us.
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 Christine working on her lines. 
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead - Artist Niki Green
This beautiful lady is Victoria, BC artist
Niki Green. 
I got to watch her work as she sat straight across
from me.
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 Break time photo with Robin.
I tell you - I went on this trip to meet Robin.
Any art we did was just bonus.
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead - progress photos
 This may look like a hot mess but there
was a method to our madness.
Robin was showing us the various media
we could play around with and we were
just making color on a huge sheet of
mixed media paper. 
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 Progress shots as we went along. 
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead - photo by someone else
 A couple of these photos came from Facebook.
Robin took a few photos of us working.
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead - photo by someone else
 We were having a blast!
This particular page was cut in half and
made four pages/eight work surfaces
in the journals we made. 
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 The lady on the right is Indiana artist
MaryKaye Wells. 
She does some beautiful art work!
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 This was our classroom.
Take this wall and imagine it in every room of the
house and you will get an idea of the beauty
Robin surrounds herself and her family with.
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead - photo by someone else
Great idea for drying artwork!
I totally need a place in my room to do this!
I wouldn't have to worry about cat hair on 
all my pages. Love you, Aurora!
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 Love this picture of the three of us!
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 I love that Niki got blue paint in her hair
and kept it there. 
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
Some of the awesome art supplies we had
to work with. 
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 We made a Robin Mead-esque journal and
I absolutely love mine!
Not completed in this photo but you get the idea.
I am going to do a separate blog post about
the journal later.
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 That first night one of Robin's beautiful daughters
took us to eat at Cali N Tito's Mexican Restaurant
for supper.
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 I was stuffed after eating all my chicken taco
and almost all the chips and queso.
Then it was back to the hotel to sleep.
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
Day two found Christine and I taking photos of the
restroom floor at the Samuel Elbert Hotel.
Perfect for a couple CZTs, hahaha!
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead - photo by Robin, I think
 Robin took these two photos. 
We were working hard on our driftwood
piece of art. I'll show you that in a post
when I get my hanger finished. 
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead - photo by Robin, I think
Don't you love these shirts Robin made for us?
She is from New York - now living in Georgia
where everyone is like Hey, Y'all!
So she made us shirts to keep the paint and
inks off our clothes. 
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 I love this shot of Christine.
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 Haha! Here is our fabulous instructor
with her tootsie roll pop. 
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 MaryKaye hard at work. 
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead - my sunset
 My art piece was too big for my carryon bag,
so Robin is going to ship it to me.
When I get the driftwood hanger attached I will
make a blog post and show you.
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 Yes, Jennifer, that is brilliant opera rose,
thanks for asking. 
Everyone loved this color!
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 We all followed the same instructions.
Above shows our 4 separate works. 
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead - our little mascot
 Both days at lunch we had two special visitors -
Robin's other daughter and this little guy 
is Robin's grandson.
I don't post names of children on my blog
unless they are my own.
He was our little mascot.
So precious and happy and smiley.
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead - our little mascot
 And he adores his YaYa.
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead
 We made bowls in the morning,
I failed to take any photos. Sorry.
Then we started working on a canvas.
I really love the way the drips and runs 
were working.
I will finish this soon and show it to you.
Four projects using all manner of watercolor,
craft paint and acrylics.
Some were out of my comfort zone
but that's ok. That is how we learn and grow
as artists. Shoot. In any part of our life.
Will I be going back when Robin offers her next
round of classes?
Alice Hendon, Watercolor Wonder with Artist Robin Mead - Studio Assistant Ozzie
If you hung in there till now,
thanks for reading and looking.
I want to leave you with this photo of
Robin's Studio Assistant Ozzie.
He didn't want me to look at him,
whenever I did Ozzie would turn away from me.
But he did stay by feet the whole two days.
And he would occasionally lick Christine's
ankles. What an awesome little guy.
Thanks, Ozzie and especially thank you,
Robin, for such a wonderful learning experience.
I love you lady like you were my own sister!
Can't wait till next time!


  1. Looks like you had a blast... luv it!!@💙💞💙

  2. Looks like such an amazing time!! So awesome!!!

    1. It was great, Grace! Everything I had hoped it would be.

  3. Oh my goodness, what a fabulous time! Can’t wait to see more in your blog!

    1. I know, I need to make another post soon 😊

  4. Replies
    1. I can’t tell who you are, but come on next time. Always room for one more.

  5. Nice job, Alice. Fun to see all your pictures. Love Robin's color imaginations.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing these awesome pics! Robin's grandson is like her mini-me!

    1. Isn’t he? So adorable and he just loves her!

  7. I can see you had an amazing time - so pleased for you. Thank you for showing us such a lovely lot of photos allowing us to see what you got up to.

    1. It was so much fun! A dream class that I am so excited I got to attend.


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