
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Playing in My Zeus XL Leda Sketchbook #ledaartsupply #collageart

completed collage spread in my XL Leda Sketchbook, mixed media fun, Alice Hendon
 Many of you already know that I am an Ambassador for
As such I am using and reviewing their product line.
Yesterday, I pulled out their big gun -
and had a wonderful time!
They call it the Zeus.
The pages are 8.5" x 12".
That's plenty of room (and then some) to 
create marvelous art and collage work!
mixed media work with Golden High Flow Acrylics, Alice Hendon
 The paper is a dense 81 pounds - perfect for
"pencil, ink, pen, pastel, charcoal and even light water-color wash." 
Well, you know how I am with a challenge. 
Push it to the max and see what happens.
And all-in-all, the XL Leda worked beautifully!
I should have prepped my pages with gesso,
but I was so excited to get started that I
absolutely forgot to do that.

I started with two colors of
Golden High Flow Acrylics 
and just rolled some color here and there. 
Vertically. Horizontally.
This paper took the color really well. 
The pages are a cream color that I was able
to work with easily.
mixed media work with Pébéo High Viscosity Studio Acrylics, Alice Hendon, Leda
 Those Golden didn't really roll as well as I wanted,
so I pulled out some 
Pébéo High Viscosity Acrylics
and added some more color.
More and more of that cream color was getting covered up 
and I was good with that. 
I am all about bright, bold, wonderful color!
mixed media fun in my XL Leda Sketchbook, Alice Hendon
 And I really, really liked the color at this point.
 Balance-wise, I kept some of the cream for
negative space. Of course, it probably got
covered with something else along the way.
a little bleed through, XL Leda Sketchbook, Alice Hendon
How did the pages hold up to all this
wet media I poured and rolled on them?
Not too bad, actually.
What you see showing through is the Golden
acrylics, and if I had prepped the pages first -
you wouldn't see a thing.
And for the way I plan on working in this book,
this won't be a problem.
This back side of the page will soon be turned into
a collage, bold, bright and beautiful page all on its own.
mixed media collage work in my XL Leda Sketchbook, Alice Hendon in progress
What's next?
Design elements.
Before getting started, I opened my collage drawer and
pulled out a collection of magazine pages,
napkins, tissue paper, sheet music, book pages, 
and pre-printed collage art details (butterflies).
Hand tearing is my way to go whenever possible.
The edges are easier to seal.
I played with placement, then when I was 
happy I adhered the pieces with
Then I sealed the edges with the same gesso.
mixed media collage work in my XL Leda Sketchbook, Alice Hendon in progress
Off to a good start but there still needed to be 
lots of color!
Cause that's how I do it!
These little bottles of FolkArt acrylic paint come from
WalMart or Michaels or Hobby Lobby and are cheap
and affordable, which is good since I use a lot of them.
I used my finger and smeared sections of watered
down blue acrylic in various places on the
two-page spread. 
And added some fingerprints of color here and there.
mixed media collage work in my XL Leda Sketchbook, Alice Hendon in progress
But it still needed more.
Out came my Jane Davenport Mermaid Markers.
If you are familiar with Jane's work you will
understand the name. 
Little water brushes filled with lovely color
that I just painted and brushed in various places.
Most noticeably on the face and butterflies.
A wadded up Kleenex helped to blot and lift
color where I didn't want it.
mixed media collage work in my XL Leda Sketchbook, Alice Hendon in progress
So far I had various paints and inks mixed with paper products. 
And I was really liking the mix so far.
But it didn't feel done. 
mixed media collage work in my XL Leda Sketchbook, Alice Hendon in progress
Joggles has all these wonderful little stencils
that are perfect for adding some zing to your
StayzOn ink pads work great when you 
want permanent color that you can add
wet media over without smearing.
I typically use StayzOn whenever I ink
through stencils. Just in case.
mixed media collage work in my XL Leda Sketchbook, Alice Hendon in progress
I have StayzOn in various colors.
I used at least 5 of the Itty Bitty Stencils to add some pop.
Previous to this I had used a white UniBall Signo gel pen to add some scribble writing around that circular piece on the left hand page. It didn't stand out enough, 
so I added even more scribble writing with a black Sharpie and that made me happy with that element.
So much so that I added more black sharpie detail in random places.
mixed media collage work in my XL Leda Sketchbook, Alice Hendon in progress
I am totally liking this face!
Mark said it was strange.
And I like strange!
I used the Mermaid markers and the white
gel pen to bring out the lovely in those
eyes a bit more.
mixed media collage work in my XL Leda Sketchbook, Alice Hendon in progress
Oh yeah!
I also used Posca Paint Pens to add some dotted
details and marks to draw the eye to certain points
of the page. 
A little more sharpie detail with tangles
and I was really happy with the collage spread!
mixed media collage work in my XL Leda Sketchbook, Alice Hendon in progress
Been reading my blog for awhile?
You already know that I love dragons!
So much that I have two 8 foot tall metal dragons
in the front yard, plus seven other dragons located
in various places around the front yard and porch.
Dragons are my thing.
This dragon rider is probably my favorite part
of the spread.
She was actually in a sale flyer from
mixed media collage work in my XL Leda Sketchbook, Alice Hendon in progress
I guess this strange face is my next favorite part.
mixed media collage work in my XL Leda Sketchbook, Alice Hendon in progress
Closely followed by this scribble written around
circle tear out of a woman that looks very much
like my grandmother as a young woman.
(But isn't.)
completed collage spread in my XL Leda Sketchbook, mixed media fun, Alice Hendon
And I'm calling it done!
I love the way the X Large Leda Sketchbook
held and accepted my work. 
All told there are around 12 layers of wet media
plus all the design elements and the 3-4 layers of
wet media they needed.
The pages had little warp
and I am sure the little they have will straighten
out as I use the elastic band that comes attached
to the sketchbook. 
A little page prep - 
which I should have done regardless what book I use - 
would have prevented that
bit of ghosting. 
And a page of collage work on the back will totally take care of that anyway.
This book is the perfect size for working larger.
The perfect book for working in collage art.
Thank you Leda for placing your trust in me.

I did purchase this book for myself on Amazon.
And I already have ideas for the next collage pages.
I would love to see what you make in your


  1. I can see you had enormous fun with this & no wonder you were so eager to get going you forgot about the gesso. That scribble frame works superbly with the way it really highlights the black & white midst the riot of colours.

    1. Scribble writing is something I learned at a class back in January. It’s really just the alphabet scribbled out.


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