This has been keeping me busy over the past couple days. A few posts back, I showed you some backgrounds I've been working on. This is the first one I've tangled up. Here are some detail shots:
I love this tangle of Sandra Strait's called Urchin. That's exactly what it looks like. I added that ruffle around the outside and tried to make it look like it's flowing in the water.
I was hoping these little pipe-thingies could represent some coral.
And I had to incorporate some of Michele Beauchamp's new tangle mak-rah-mee.
I really like the way mak-rah-mee flows.
These tangles just work so well together, and I love the colors! Time to move on to another background now and get busy!
May you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!
It just amazes me how you fit the tangles into your backgrounds - did you add extra colour afterwards with a pencil to get the bit outside the urchin coloured so evenly? Paula (PEP)
paula, i think i know what you mean. all the bright color came first, after i tangled i used a grey pitt pen to add some shading in a couple places. specifically around the urchin :)
It just amazes me how you fit the tangles into your backgrounds - did you add extra colour afterwards with a pencil to get the bit outside the urchin coloured so evenly?
ReplyDeletePaula (PEP)
paula, i think i know what you mean. all the bright color came first, after i tangled i used a grey pitt pen to add some shading in a couple places. specifically around the urchin :)