
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Trying to Find the Groove

Yesterday I showed you the start of this 11" x 14" piece I'm working on. This is destined to be cut down into fifteen separate ATCs for a swap I am participating in. In this one view you can see three brand new tangles - merryweather, stella, and crezn't. These pink links will take you to step-outs for two of those. Stella hasn't been released (I don't think). It is the pretty poinsettia looking flower in the center. 
This bold band across the middle is something I made up. I was trying to draw Caren Mlot's new tangle spokes and got lost in the first two steps. It isn't a hard tangle, I just wasn't paying attention. So I just kept drawing and that dark band from lower left to upper right is what I came up with. You can also see some printemps, Sandy Hunter's cruffle, cirquital, Sandy Bartholomew's msst, Jane MacKugler's henna drum, knase, and a few random other tangles. 
In this photo you see more of merryweather and crezn't. The fan shaped tangle near the top right is called S Wich Blade and it's by Carol Ottaway. She's an awesome artist, you should check out her blog here.  That dark wavy line and circle tangle is beanpodz from Neil Burley. A little footlites, more stella, a little munchin, and a variation of rain
I hope to finish this up today.  Still having some issues today with creativity, but trying to push through. Trying to find my groove once more. Thank you to everyone who sent me warm wishes and encouraging words, and thank you to those who offered to pray for me. You are loved and appreciated!

The Creator's Leaf


  1. still love your art! didn't know i could follow by email. thanks for that!

    1. the follow by email is something new we added a week or so ago :) yay!!! another reader asked for it and cindy made it happen

  2. well thanks to cindy too then...glad to see you in the mailbox!

  3. Could the name you see for the fan shaped tangle be "Munchin" I wonder. Thanks for all the photos - a lovely treat seeing the linework - I know I'm repeating myself but I really savour it.
    You take care.
    Paula (PEP)

    1. paula, the larger fan underneath the munchin - it's large, and open, lots of white. and thanks, i'm trying to get going again with this drawing thing

    2. How about Phicops?
      If not I'll continue looking.........

    3. haha! thanks! when i printed out the tangle, it didn't take the comments with it so i lost the name. that is exactly right :) i appreciate it!

  4. I love what your spokes turned into...I'll have to try it! And I also just signed up to follow you by's much easier to follow you that way than the way I am now

    1. haha! caren, it doesn't look anything like spoke, but i like it! i'm going to give spokes another shot today. my mind hasn't been with it lately, sorry. i like the email follow thing. another reader sent me a message asking me to add it, so cindy took care of it. i've already picked up some regular readers with it. i like following other bloggers that way myself :)

  5. I'm so happy that you like my pattern! Your zentangles are beautiful and I wish mine were as pretty as yours!

    1. actually i love your pattern! and your zentangles are beautiful! i just spent a good bit of time looking through other parts of your blog, you are an incredible artist. you have so many talents. i updated my post to include a link to your blog and your s wich blade pattern :)


I have been waiting to hear from you :).