
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ixorus Meets Crescent Moon

This tile was interesting to draw. I used my big ruler and just laid in some lines. Not even sure how I ended up with these sections, I remember going diagonally from corner to corner. Then I started the groundwork for ixorus on all the lines. That would be the little scallops - overlapping the lines. Some of the tangled sections look like crescent moon even though that isn't what I was drawing. That little flower/ribbon-y tangle - not sure if it has a name. It is fun to play with. I am going to try to develop it a bit more. I originally saw the basics for it in a Shelly Beauch drawing, and someone commented it was reminiscent of Helen Williams' drawing style. Either way, I really like it and want to work on it and develop it more. By the way, this is postcard #8 for the postcard swap.

Speaking of Shelly Beauch (I never know what to call her online, sorry), I went to Michael's last night and invested in a couple 16" x 20" Canson Artistico Bristol white boards to do some larger scale drawing on. If it doesn't stink, I'll post it here when I'm done :). Hahaha! Not even kidding!

The Creator's Leaf


I have been waiting to hear from you :).