
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Diva Challenge #127, DuoTangle Time

The Diva's challenge this week was to take two tangles - cirquital and opus - to create a tile. No additional tangles, just those two. Above you can see the tile I made today. Now, let me show you step-by-step how I made it.
I wanted to lay some color down in the background and decided on this particular template/stencil because the circles mimic the shape of cirquital. 
When I was taking a gelli plate class recently, I covered the desktop with brown craft paper. I have just left it in place so I don't have to worry about making a mess. I used an apprentice tile for this challenge. I placed the tile on the desktop, angled the stencil over it making sure all the corners were covered, and used painter's tape to hold the stencil in place. I've noticed that the tile underneath doesn't move as long as the stencil is firmly in place.
I decided on two ink colors. I used the pink ink first and  . . . 
. . . just tapped a layer of color over the top of the stencil. I was going for a touch of color, not complete coverage. Then I took a paper towel and dabbed the color off the stencil.
I used a Brilliance ink pad for the second color. I just really like the shiny, sparkly look I can get with the Brilliance pads.
Then I tapped blue onto the tile through the stencil. I went for a heavier coverage with this ink. If you notice at the top left corner of the tile, you still catch glimpses of the pink underneath.
Remove the stencil and clean it. Then lift up the painter's tape and see what you've got. I really like the circular effect made by the stencil and was curious to see what it would look like once I started drawing the cirquitals.
I placed some circles on the tile, and decided to make them all double ringed. You'll notice that the center one on the left is a bit wobbly.
I noticed that as I started adding some texture to the rings, some of that wobbliness started to disappear.
Completed the cirquital tangles . . .
. . . and started the opus. What a cool name for a pattern! Opus! Reminds me of Berkeley Breathed's Bloom County comic strip. Wasn't the penguin named Opus?
Sorry. I digress.
Anyhoo! I drew a bunch of opuses :smile: and auraed everything in sight.
Then last of all, I shaded with a pencil and a tort. Cirquital and opus. What a great combination! And speaking of great combinations -
Berkeley Breathed and Opus

 That would be Opus!

 In case you can't read this one, it says, "I have an outty bellybutton, which means I have to be ever vigilant that it doesn't unscrew and let my butt fall off."
Did I mention that I got sidetracked and just spent fifteen minutes with google reading Opus/Bloom County comics?
 A somewhat blurry (but the best I could find) 
Opus and Bill the Cat!
 A tribute to Schroeder and Snoopy.
Peace, out!
* * * * * * 
Back to serious business, check out the Diva Challenge here to see all the awesome artwork people are posting. And, it isn't too late for you to give cirquital and opus your own rendition!
The Creator's Leaf


  1. A great post!!! Thanks for sharing the steps of your tile. It is beautiful.

  2. I enjoyed seeing your creative process, but nearly didn't make it past all the cartoons to get to the comments!

  3. Lovely tile! Nice idea to use a stencil to create the background!

  4. Too funny!! I used to LOVE Opus and Bill the Cat--would draw Bill everywhere...Love your tile--the stenciled background is brilliant with Cirquital!

  5. Your tile this week is really lovely, and thanks so much for showing us how you did it.

  6. Thank you for sharing your process. Lovely tile.

  7. Brilliant seeing how you went about it - now I don't feel so bad about getting myself side-tracked....... I was just about to start deconstructing Valerie's border patterns when I thought I'd just see what my tangle blog roll was up to.......
    Paula (PEP)


I have been waiting to hear from you :).