
Monday, May 20, 2013

One Big Whopping Mess

A mess party? Yeah, buddy! I know how to throw one!
Actually, I am taking a one week online class with Carla Sonheim. You know Carla? She's the lady with the awesome drawing and painting books about Imaginary Animals, The Art of Silliness, and The Drawing Lab - all for mixed media artists. I love her work! This week she's teaching a class on gelli plates. (No, not a jelly jar, not a jelly plate - - - gelli plate. Google it.)
Because she makes her living teaching classes like this - I won't go into specifics and how-to's, but I do want to show you what I did with today's assignment.
We were supposed to make eight pages. I liked it so much that I made sixteen! It was a big whopping mess! But so much fun to do! I can totally see me doing this all over again tomorrow.
These are two pages (7"x10") that I made. Don't you love the textures? And I totally think that little green sticky-outy thing on the right looks like one of Shrek's horns :). Am I right???
I like the texture in that pink section, and those blues with the pink streaks were total accidents. At least the first one was, then I figured out what caused it and did it on purpose after that :).
These two pages were from the very first set I did. That page on the right is going to be a wonderful underwater tangled garden. I don't have any idea what Carla is going to have us do with our pages we made today, but that one on the right is mine!
These last two pages were my absolute favorites! Blue, a little white, some teal, some of two different shades of pink. Yep! I think I'm going to love this gelli plate thing! And tomorrow we get another lesson. I can not wait! Yay!!!

The Creator's Leaf


  1. Oh my - I can see that tangled underwater garden already. I am definitely resisting the gelli plate. Working on some jellyfish this morning.
    Paula (PEP)

  2. awesome alice....and yes, shreks horn....i too like the pink textured piece, no shocker there definitely looks like you had a blast of a day....great way to spend the holiday.... :)

    I totally appreciated and respect your keeping the how-to's to a minimal....kudo's to you... :D


    p.s. can't wait to see what you do with these little pieces of art.


I have been waiting to hear from you :).